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A few simple ingredients in the right hands can be transformed into something extraordinary. That’s why we care so much about how we make our SASKO bread. We use only our own finely milled flour made from the best wheat. We care about everything that goes into baking our bread. Where the wheat comes from, how it was grown, how it is milled, the consistency of our dough, the shape of our loaves and the softness and freshness of every slice. Everything matters. Because it’s the people who care that bake better bread.


SASKO operates 14 bakeries with an urban and rural footprint throughout South Africa, supplying over a million fresh loaves via more than 51 000 delivery points daily.


SASKO flour is made with pure goodness so that you and your family can enjoy the taste and quality of homemade freshness that creates special moments of sharing and being together – everyday.

Hints & Tips

SASKO caters for an ever-changing dietary preference through a range of wheat-based products produced from local and imported ingredients.

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